Lovely holders for candles, make-up etc

This idea is actually not mine, but I liked it that much I decided to be a copycat and do it myself. I got this idea from my friend Marion. She showed me that she bought…

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Valged ja nunnud karbid

Idea for storage boxes If you choose a clothing storage instead of a regular closet then you should definitely think about how to storage your stuff dust and dirt free. This is how I decided…

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Copenhagen 4.0

Fourth day arrived pretty quickly and that meant time to go home. We took the S train to Norreport where we switched to metro and drove to Kastrup. We decided to visit Den Blå Planet in the…

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Copenhagen 3.0

On the third day we went to see the Little Mermaid that is quite the tourist attraction in Copenhagen. It may mean something to the locals of course but for me it seemed kinda pointless…

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Copenhagen 2.0

I can say that it is weird to write these posts now but since there is kind of a new chapter in my life so I guess it is a good time to start. I have…

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Copenhagen 1.0

I wouldn’t have ever guessed that I visit Copenhagen. It is definitely not one of my budget list countries or what so ever. But life gives us different opportunities and I like to take them.…

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